Here are more photos from my urban photo session with Ivor Gott for Urban Portraits Dumfries project (Part 1 is here).
This time we chose a narrow courtyard/alleyway just off High Street. I liked the leading lines of multiple staircases we found in this courtyard and the shiny metal of the door. The warmth of brick walls contrasted with the rough plaster and a sprinkling of “naive” graffiti spray-painted on the surfaces.
The blue/grey colour scheme of Ivor’s outfit and her platinum dreadlocks worked in harmony with the brownish tones of the walls that formed the courtyard and the urban nature of our setting.
It was quite a tight but interesting space and we wanted to explore its urban elements to maximum, and create as many shot variations as possible – wide angles and close-ups, up and down angles, playing on the natural geometries interacting with Ivor’s poses and gestures.
Ivor was brilliant (as always!) bringing her good energy and personal style to enhance the shoot, even when I thought we exhausted all the options!