Yesterday’s performance of 7Stanes Mountain Bike Display Team for In Our Town programme of free events in Dumfries town centre attracted many young spectators and grown up visitors to Dock Park. Platforms and ramps were erected on the lawn and a trailer brought in to aid the stunts. The bike team worked hard from 12 noon to 5 pm to keep Doonhamers entertained with their skill, talent and coordination.
We caught the last performance of the day when the wind blew away the stormy clouds and the bright sun suddenly came out and shined through the trees. The bikers took on a high bar, jumping high and high as it was raised up and up, hopped on the rear and front wheel on the platform and leaped high onto the trailer roof. One stunt included jumping down a coffee cup. It was a good show expertly commented by Ruth from Bottle Green Biking.
To tell the truth I am quite badly coordinated so it was particularly impressive to watch a bunny hop when the bike made small jumps up the two rails, both tires in the air, and then the rider went down a thin rail. It made me wish I could ride (any!) bike…