As if to prove the law of cosmic symmetry, just as Smug’s Argyle Street Gallery mural was being destroyed Rogue One started painting his Bubbles mural at Renfield Lane not far from Glasgow Central Station.
The Bubbles mural on two facing walls, depicting a French bulldog and two girls, one blowing bubbles, creates a welcoming immersive environment for the Glasgow Mural Trail pilgrims. It was well publicised in the local papers immediately after Rogue One had completed his piece of urban street art, inviting Glaswegians to pay it a visit. According to the artist,
“It was great being able to do both sides of this street. It was the idea of filling the full area that made me decide on the bubble theme and the girls are my friends daughters.”
One Saturday afternoon, after noticing Rogue One’s progress status on Instagram and reading the Glasgow Times article, John and I popped in to Renfield Lane to experience this fun 2019 mural in situ ourselves. John loved the humour of the altered “No Barking” traffic sign, the frenchie’s expression and the urban artist’s attention to detail, down to the bubbles shadows on the walls. I spotted a new signature design, which I haven’t seen on Rogue One’s previous murals in Glasgow.
The Bubbles mural can be easily observed from Union Street. While we were there we saw lots of families discussing it and taking photos, as well as one guy having his lunch on the utility box amidst the painted bubbles. Quite a busy site!