John had a dental appointment in town and I tagged along for some deliberate practice in Dumfries street photography (and to check the lens after repairs). I had about 20 minutes and needed to pick one location, one subject and one story.
I found my unsuspecting subjects of the day in Queensbury Square. There was a road maintenance truck parked next to the monument and two guys were busy repairing cracked pavement slabs.
I always like observing people at work – for me it’s a metaphor of order getting an upper hand over chaos. Broken items get repaired. Dirty streets get cleaned. Shabby facades get a renewed life. Life goes on and changes for better. This sort of thing – a very reassuring and life-affirming process. I also liked how the morning light fell on the scene and how low-mess these road workers were, quietly going about their job in the midst of the busy square.